Thursday, October 31, 2019

Write your own Gospel Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Write your own Gospel - Term Paper Example Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you (Matt. 7:7).Do not let human sufferings therefore weaken your trust in God and separate you from your loving father. Jesus answered: there are three causes of human sufferings. First, human suffering is indeed caused by sin. By sinning, human being scorns the infinite mercy and love of God, for this reason, sin actually severs the good relationship between man and God. For this reason, the sinner feels alienated from God, and from life itself because it is only in God that man can find his life. Again, sin calls for direct punishment from God because God is just, and for that reason God ensures that justice is done in the world. Sin causes moral imbalance and for that reason, sin must be punished so as to restore the distorted moral balance. The second cause of human suffering is for spiritual purposes. Although human sufferings can at times take one away from God, human sufferings however can strengthen one’s faith in God. By bearing one’s sufferings gallantly trusting in God’s love and providence, one’s faith in God is strengthened. As the example of Job in the Script ures shows, God allows his elect to undergo sufferings, so as to test their faith and to purify and strengthen their faith. The third cause of human sufferings is for the glory of God. God allows some forms of human sufferings in the world so that through the sufferings, God’s power and glory may be made manifest. For example, a person may be born blind so that through him the works of God might be displayed (John 9:3). Judas Iscariot asked Jesus: teacher, but why would an infinitely loving and omnipotent God allow His children to undergo the terrible sufferings that we experience in the world? I am unable to reconcile the infinite power and love of God, with the concept of human sufferings. Jesus said to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Investigating the resistance of a wire Essay Example for Free

Investigating the resistance of a wire Essay The experiment is safe because the voltage from the multimeter will do no harm to you and you should not use it near water. Method I am investigating the resistance of a wire and testing what happens to the current if I use different lengths of wires. First I will use 10cm of wire and connect the multimeter up properly like the picture below also I would measure the wire exactly then I would place the crocodile clips on the ends of the wire and do that for every 10cms up to 200cms and record the resistance. I would use all of the same equipment again and do the experiment another 2 times to workout the average. Diagram I will make the experiment accurate by doing all of the below and do the same test three times to work out an average   1. Using the same equipment   2. Measure the wire.   3. Connecting everything together properly 4. Once set up do not disturb the experiment   5. Make sure the multimeter is set to Ohms   6. Using the setting on the multimeter. If I wanted to get very precise results I could do the experiment another few times This is how I kept it a fair test:   If you change the length you must keep.   The wire the same width.   The same material. The same temperature. Prediction I predict the longer the wire the more power will be resisted. That is because in a longer piece of wire the electrons collide with the atoms. Obtaining Results Table Observations Analysing Graphs Evaluation Errors Possible Improvements.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Television And Cinema In Todays Context

Television And Cinema In Todays Context Communication has evolved from aural means (such as the example of Persian king Darius I, whom used his men to serve as communication tools by shouting messages at positioned heights) to inscriptions (as used by the Romans and Persians amongst others) to print in the beginning of the sixteenth century. The rise of print has also allowed new languages to flourish especially Spanish, French, Portuguese and English. These languages became the predominant vehicle of communication for the European colonial powers in numerous parts of the globe. The transplantation of communications system around the globe created a new hierarchy of language and culture in conquered territories (Thussu 2006, pp. 2). According to Carey (1999) the growth of communications in the nineteenth century had the practical effect of diminishing space as a differentiating criterion in human affairs. The development of telegraph has enabled rapid transference of information that of which only requires minutes when it would have taken months should post come via sea. This evolution of communication has aided people in terms of business opportunities and times of war which were numerous in that era. Western countries were quick to grasp the implications of new technologies such as printing presses and radio communication following their introduction. And to this day, western countries are the communication mammoths of the world. Radio was a popular tool for propaganda in both the First World War and Second World War such was the same for news agencies. Western countries the information rich were in a position to dictate terms to the information poor, creating a structure of dependency with widespread economic, political and social ramifications for the poor societies (Thussu 2006, pp. 31). This situation has favourably turned for the best in recent years. But it is seen that messages are dispersed and received to the public using mediums of communication be it print, radio or even word of mouth. According to Williams (1974) though there is a fundamental assumption that television and cinema has altered the world there is a division of opinions. First opinion, also known as technological determinism, is that the technology is accidental. It is a view that new technologies are discovered by an essentially internal process of research and development which then sets the conditions for social change and progress (Williams 1974, pp. 7). Which means to say that should the television or cinema have not been thought off, warranted events (cultural or social) would not have eventuated. Second opinion is that even though technologies are discovered by accident as a medium in a process of change, its intendment lies in its use which are held to be symptomatic of some order of society or some qualities of human nature which are otherwise determined (Williams 1974, pp. 6). Should cinema or television have not been thought off and yielded; this opinion would still run as the public would be manipulated in some other way. But nevertheless, these opinions are deeply rooted in social thoughts that it is essentially profound to think beyond them as histories of technology are written, unconsciously or consciously, based on assumptions. Cinema and television has exponential influence in todays world though it should be noted that they are not the only mass media mediums with the ability to have leverage on public. Cinema and television have altered the way in which beauty is perceived and paved away stereotype images. Women seen on the screens are often extremely beautiful to be appreciated as beautiful. This could be reversed for men; actors are often macho and handsome. Less than attractive people are often given the smaller or side-kick roles. This stereotype has led to the issue of body-image. Bulimia and anorexia are eating disorders that are rampant in todays teenage and young adults world. Individuals who withhold food from their body or whom willingly vomit to keep their bodies svelte and conform to todays definition of beautiful. A television show that is going against this norm is Ugly Betty which features a less than attractive female lead. The show ran for four seasons before ending in 2010. Other stereotypes that emerge from cinema and television are the perceptions that all Asians have small eyes, high school band members are nerdy, blondes are ditzy and dumb or men with shoulder length hair are surfer dudes. There is an increase openness towards sexuality: gay, bisexual or straight. Global giant and financial leader of television and cinema (Thussu 2006, pp. 121), Hollywood has made it possible for such characterisations to be made public in television shows such as The OC, Glee and Ugly Betty and movies such as Brokeback Mountain and Transamerica. It could not be said that the public is more tolerant of sexuality as this acceptance is based on individuals. The openness towards sexuality could also have a negative impact on the public as there are films and television shows that promote adultery and cheating. Television and cinema has minimized the issue of geographical distance. What people see on these two medium are relatable in their lives and could be applied to a situation that is similar to what an individual is going through no matter where they habit in. For example, if a Singaporean individual is confused about her sexuality, mediums that feature such a topic could easily be relatable to her and thus she could seek a sense of direction from them despite where they originated from be it America, United Kingdom or wherever else in the world . Television and cinema are exaggerated by nature to allow people to be more engaged. Thus what people see on these mediums are not the exact truths nor can they happen in real life. These mediums are developed yearly with increasing viewers appeal (more explosions, more sexually charged, more dramatic) to rake in more monetary profit for the distributors. Though at times hold truth such as the case of the movie Blood Diamond, a fictional story with real issues (the mining of diamonds in Africa) and real events. Though influences are not hard truth from reality of the world, majority of people could relate their reality to what they see on the medium. It is uncommon to hear comments in conversations that are tied to these mediums. For example: I had a Rachel Berry (reference to television show: Glee) moment. I literally word vomit (reference to movie: Mean Girls) my excuse to the lecturer. New social groups and communities are formed defined by their interest such as favourite movies and television shows. Television and cinemas are also influential not only in terms of characters but also in fashion and materialism product placement of brands that could be seen in the mediums. Lately, there is an increase in television shows and cinema that are adapted from books. Monetary appeal as distributors is able to franchise out into merchandises and sequels or prequels and soundtracks. Such as: Twilight, Harry Potter and Pretty Little Liars. In conclusion, television and cinemas has altered the way in which the public view the world. Though situations on screens are exaggerated, they are still influential and could leave a lasting impression on an individual. It should be noted that television and cinema are not the only mass mediums in the world. In todays times the synergy of mass mediums provides a bigger profit margin for distributors.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Cuban Missle Crisis Essay -- History Cuba Weapons Essays Cold War

Cuban Missle Crisis Many agree that the Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest the world ever came to nuclear war; but exactly how close did it come? The Crisis was ultimately a showdown between the United States and the Soviet Union from October 16 to October 28, 1962. During those thirteen stressful days, the world’s two biggest superpowers stood on the brink of a nuclear catastrophe. The Crisis started as a result of both the Soviet Union’s fear of losing the arms race, and Cuba’s fear of US invasion. The Soviet Premier, Nikita Khrushchev, thought that both problems could easily be solved by placing Soviet medium range missiles in Cuba. This deployment would double the Soviet arsenal and protect Cuba from US invasion. Khrushchev proposed this idea to Cuban Premier, Fidel Castro, who, like Khrushchev, saw the strategic advantage. The two premiers worked together in secrecy throughout the late-summer and early-fall of 1962. The Soviets shipped sixty medium-range ballistic missiles (M RBMs) along with their warheads, launch equipment, and necessary operating personnel to Cuba. When United States President, John F. Kennedy discovered the presence of these offensive weapons, he immediately organized EX-COMM, a group of his twelve most important advisors. They spent the next couple of days discussing different possible plans of action and finally decided to remove the US missiles from Turkey and promise not to invade Cuba in exchange for the removal of all offensive weapons in Cuba. On October 28, Khrushchev sent Kennedy a letter stating that he agreed to the terms Kennedy stated, and the crisis ended. The Cuban Missile Crisis can be blamed on the insecurity of Cuba and the Soviet Union. After the United States’ unsuccessful attempt to overthrow Castro and end communism in Cuba at the Bay of Pigs in 1961, Castro was fearful of another US invasion. The US Armed Forces conducted a mock invasion and drafted a plan to invade Cuba to keep Castro nervous. As a result, Castro thought the US was serious, and he was desperate to find protection. This protection came in the form of sixty Soviet medium-range ballistic missiles. (Detzer 30-32, 39, 55, 68, 87) During his presidential campaign, Kennedy repeatedly stated that the US had less missiles than the Soviets, contradicting the Pentagon’s claim that the opposite was true. However, during the summer of 1961, when... ...on of aerial and naval reconnaissance flights in Cuban airspace and waters; (5) and the return of Guantanamo Naval Base to Cuba. Eventually, with the help of the UN, Castro backed down and all sides reached an agreement. A UN inspection team was assigned to monitor the removal of the missiles and the demolition of the missile bases in Cuba. Then, the Soviet Navy shipped the missiles back to the USSR. The missiles were sent back on the decks of the ships so that American reconnaissance planes could count the missiles and make sure that all had been removed. Nine months after the crisis ended, Kennedy and Khrushchev signed an agreement to ban nuclear testing in the atmosphere. This marked the beginning of what seemed to be a new willingness to cooperate and communicate. However, on November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was assasinated in Dallas, Texas. Eleven months later, Premier Khrushchev was removed from office by communist "hard liners." (Brugioni 572-574) One can’t help but wonder what would have happened if these two men had stayed in power. Maybe the same two people who brought us so close to nuclear war, now changed by the experience, could have brought us far from it.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Macbeth †Victim or Villain? Essay

As the scenes of ‘Macbeth’, is slowly scene by scene revealed to the audience; Shakespeare wittily shows Macbeth’s personality as two different characters, the victim,to Lady Macbeth and the witches and as the villain, througout the play; but with both characters clearley portrayed so that one from the audience may say Macbeth is a victim to greater powers; Lady Macbeth, the witches and his own greed, wheras another may say Macbeth is a villain, who was happy of committing all the bad deeds doing so with his own free will, with various points to confirm their views. Initially, right from the start we hear of Macbeth’s goodness before we even meet him; â€Å"good and hardy soldier† and † Brave cousin† all show how brave Macbeth is and how he is patriotic, which obviously a villain wouldn’t be, caring, loving or doing anything for their country; they would be caring for themselves and their needs, someone who loves their country will not try and kill the king of the country, especailly a king like Duncan; who was always thinking of the country’s needs and views first. Secondly, the fact that Macbeth wasn’t so sure on the plan that Lady Macbeth suggested; because even though he had suggested killing Duncan, right before the murder he was thinking about how bad the deed is,he was very confused and he decided not to the deed but it was under the influence of Lady Macbeth’s greed that he gave in and committed the inhuman act; † And live a coward in thine own esteem,† which attached Macbeth’s masculinity and so therefore Macbeth becomes so angry that he doesn’t really do the deed with his own free will, anger drove him to do it. Furthermore the fact that he actually thinks and lists the positive and the negative sides of doing the deed or not shows unlike villains he does have a ‘human’ side and that he does care and know about right and wrong; as he thinks to himself † He’s here in double trust; First as I am his kinsman and his subject Strong both against the deed; then as his host Who should against his murder shut the door, Not bear the knife himself.† This shows that he feels guilty about this; and because of this, he decides that he wouldn’t kill Duncan, but Lady Macbeth persuades him, which further proves that he is a victim. Macbeth was also under the influence of the three witches; because they appeared so inhuman and magical, † Speak if you can What are you?† that when Macbeth heard the predictions he thought as the first prediction † All hail Macbeth, hail to thee Thane of Glamis.†, and the second prediction † All hail Macbeth, hail to thee Thane of Cawdor,† both seemed and came true, so Macbeth thought why wouldn’t the third † All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!† come true? Did not the witches speak words of wisdom before with the other two predictions? Don’t they seem magical? So Macbeth was victim to the witches throughout the play, thinking about their encounter. If the witches and Macbeth hadn’t met, Macbeth wouldn’t have killed Duncan, Banquo and nor would he have committed all the bad deeds he did. The fact that Lady Macbeth, to add on to Macbeth’s lack of manliness gives an example as to what she can do if she’s promised to do something † Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums, and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to this.† She says this to make him angry and feel ashamed of lacking masculinity so therefore in order to prove he isn’t to himself and to Lady Macbeth he becomes determined and does the deed. Moreover at the end, when Macbeth dies you can see clearley he is a victim who has lost everything, power, family,life the fact that Macbeth is totally disheartened shows he is really upset and (to the audience) seems like a victim. On the other hand, Macbeth can also be thought of a villain, there are many points in the play as to how this is proven. When the three weird sisters are making their last prediction † All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter† his villainous mind quickly starts thinking of the possibilities of becoming king and how to reach this; he immediately suggests this plan to his wife, when she suggests the plans Macbeth immediately agrees to it also when she asks him to leave everything upto her † Leave all the rest to me† he agrees to it all. Furthermore if Macbeth wasn’t a villain he wouldn’t have been persuaded so easily to kill Duncan; even though women in shakesperean time were supposed to be weak and lesser then men Macbeth chose to listen to his wife, which in Shakesperean time men wouldn’t do. Additionally, after Macbeth killed Duncan instead of learning from and not sinning anymore he carries on to think and plan about killing Banquo his close friend; because Banquo was starting to suspect Macbeth and the fact that Banquo’s sons would be kings. It is a villainous deed to kill or attempt to kill your best friend and his son. Macbeth’s courage becomes so great he doesn’t even inform his wife Lady Macbeth when planning to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. Mostly when ‘good’ people have a special power or belonging they try to be satisfied with it and not to want more, especailly if the way to achieve it isn’t good, wheras Macbeth through his actions constantly shows that he wants more power and that his greed is unstoppably growing, therefore proving he is a villain. Macbeth constantly tries to fight and control fate; instead of leaving it, enjoying and appreciating what he already has he goes to the witches the second time himself instead of avoiding them, † I conjure you, by that which you profess, However you come to know it, answer me† here he is clearly due to his greed desperate for some sort of ‘sign or miracle’ to happen from the witches so fate is on his side again. Similarly like a general villain, Macbeth instead of worrying for his wife, Lady Macbeth, when the doctor tells him that Lady Macbeth is in need of a priest, Macbeth doesn’t ask for details he changed the subject to Scotland being in need of help; to add on to the point when Seyton brings the news that Lady Macbeth has finally died, Macbeth says â€Å"She should have died hereafter, There would have been a time for such a word† this is one of the most cruelest responses anyone can give to a friend’s death let alone a wife’s, it just shows how like other villains Macbeth is cold hearted and he has also started to be carried away with his power and greed that he actually states she should have died later in a more appropriate time; which further proves he really has no feelings, which relates to him being a villain. Consequently, I think that overall Macbeth is both a victim and villain; as there are many points to prove both views but isn’t definitely one (a victim or a villain) but a mixture of both. The fact that at the end Macbeth is so sure of the witches’ predictions show that he is a victim; and a villain for believing what three weird sisters have said, for no proof of what they are but only because they’ve said something beneficial to him. Without one victimised deed he wouldn’t have done a villainous deed and the same the other way round, Macbeth is both a victim and a villain just like some animals who can both be predator and prey.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Existentialism: Philosophy of Life and Existence Essay

Existentialism â€Å"Existentialism is an attitude that recognizes the unresolvable confusion of the human world, yet resists the all-too-human temptation to resolve the confusion by grasping toward whatever appears or can be made to appear firm or familiar†¦The existential attitude begins a disoriented individual facing a confused world that he cannot accept. † (Robert Solomon) Existentialist all share a common concern with what they have coined as the â€Å"Human Condition. † They tend to ask: †¢Why am I here? †¢What does it mean to be human? †¢How should I go about living my life? Existentialism is more of individual rather than social. They, Existentialist need to justify their existence. For them, they’re having their journey in life to know their purpose based on their own philosophy, according to EDU310 Foundations of Learning. There is no predetermined definition or purpose. We are free to make our own definitions through choices that lead toward self-definition. Students are free agents, responsible for creating their own selves and purpose. Everything learned is a tool toward the realization of one’s own subjectivity. Standardized testing restricts the interpersonal relationship between teacher and student. Value-laden students are vital, as is authentic assessment. Therefore, Existentialism is a philosophy concerned with human existence, self-discovery, and the search for life’s meaning based on free will, experiences, beliefs, laws, and traditions. How does existentialism connect to Axiology and Metaphysics? (Branches of philosophy) In Education, Existentialism is very important, because as an Educator we should know each child’s life, existence and story behind their attitudes and characters, for us to become an effective educator, according to Bethel Jadem. For example, a child has a problem and suddenly changed his/her attitude; we have to know the reason behind it for us to understand him/her. We should know also their philosophy and belief in life so that we could better adjust, know and appreciate their existence as well. To show the connective thread between Axiology and existentialism and metaphysics and existentialism the terms need to first be defined. †¢Axiology is the study of value. It is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and types of value such as in ethics and religion. (â€Å"What and why do you value? †) †¢Metaphysics is (â€Å"What is real? †) In connection to axiology, an example of existentialism is: According to EDU 301 Foundations of Learning, studying the ethics of the Christian and Jewish religions is an example of a study in axiology. Therefore, if a child growing up in a Christian home has strong beliefs about God he/she values her beliefs and therefore concludes that here existence is solely because of God. â€Å" There is a purpose for my existence, God will show me the way. † In connection to metaphysics, an example of existentialism is: Since â€Å"this† exists, that cannot exist. â€Å"John was walking (this) on water (that). † There is only knowledge of how, beyond what is given, so inferred to make the situation valid with natural cause. As a metaphysical example, if he could walk on water, maybe he had water in his shoes. There is also questions that go beyond what we know. Such as â€Å"is there a â€Å"first† cause? † Or is time â€Å"infinite†? Since we ourselves can have no observation of such truth, only inference based on given present events, it becomes Metaphysical.